Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford" has an ACTIVE Arrest Warrant, and in conjunction with Felony Charges, is WANTED in the State of California. There is currently a FIVE-THOUSAND DOLLAR REWARD for information leading to her arrest. Birchard should be considered Armed and Dangerous. If you spot Katie Lynn Birchard, immediately call 911. Do NOT approach her.

Have You Been A Victim Of Evelyn Zumaya, Katie Lynn Birchard, Hala Pickford, Hala Kitty?

Send us your story at: EXPOSEKatieLynnBirchard@gmail.com

Monday, September 20, 2010

Over 25,000 Visitors - Katie Lynn Birchard's Fraud & Lies EXPOSED

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard site hit a landmark 25,000 visitors yesterday.  That's 25,000 people that know the truth behind her many aliases, her lies, fraud, hate, homophobia & scandal.  That's 25,000 people that know how she operates, whom she victimizes, and how she creates scandal wherever she goes.  To all that visit this site regularly, thank you for spreading the word and thank you to Google for creating a place where truth can be spoken freely.  We have placed a counter at the bottom of the page for everyone interested.

Until next time,

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for everything you guys do. It's about time someone shut this crazy woman down, and showed her that you can't spread lies forever without getting caught.
