Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford" has an ACTIVE Arrest Warrant, and in conjunction with Felony Charges, is WANTED in the State of California. There is currently a FIVE-THOUSAND DOLLAR REWARD for information leading to her arrest. Birchard should be considered Armed and Dangerous. If you spot Katie Lynn Birchard, immediately call 911. Do NOT approach her.

Have You Been A Victim Of Evelyn Zumaya, Katie Lynn Birchard, Hala Pickford, Hala Kitty?

Send us your story at: EXPOSEKatieLynnBirchard@gmail.com

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Katie Lynn Birchard - Sobs, Laughs & Fraud At The Burbank Court House

Singer, Songwriter, Actress, Publisher, Screenwriter, Author, Producer, Musician, Record Label Owner, Preservationist, Bullshit Artist, Katie Lynn Birchard was in court yesterday, for multiple hearings. As was expected, Birchard rambled endlessly about "conspiracy theories," and all the "monsters" out to get her.  She began sobbing at one point, in an attempt to gain sympathy from the judge.  She conveniently skipped over all parts of the case involving her blatant lies on official sworn court documents, her fraud tactics and character assassination techniques, and the fact that she has run multiple hate blogs for years.  Her stories changed throughout the court hearing, as even she couldn't keep her lies straight.

After completing her full court day, Katie literally skipped from the court room, waving to the judge, laughing and exclaimed "See you next week for the next one!"  To Katie, this is all just a game.  Birchard has no friends, no job or career, and an abominable reputation.  She lives solely off the money her grandmother sends to her month to month.  In her manic depressive state, she admittedly sleeps for days at a time.   1pm is an early rise time for her. With no job or aspirations, Katie can spend 24 hours a day slandering individuals and groups with no remorse or second thought.  She feels like physically assaulting people without provocation is alright because Katie has nothing to lose.

Thankfully, people are fighting back; legally and in court.  We have seen no less than 5 new websites pop up in the past 36 hours, all dedicated to exposing Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford" for the fraud she truly is.  Winning a battle and winning a war are two entirely different things.  More and more people are fighting back everyday.  It's only a matter of time before she is legally shut down for good.  Until then, we will all stand vigilant and fight for what is right.

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

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