Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford" has an ACTIVE Arrest Warrant, and in conjunction with Felony Charges, is WANTED in the State of California. There is currently a FIVE-THOUSAND DOLLAR REWARD for information leading to her arrest. Birchard should be considered Armed and Dangerous. If you spot Katie Lynn Birchard, immediately call 911. Do NOT approach her.

Have You Been A Victim Of Evelyn Zumaya, Katie Lynn Birchard, Hala Pickford, Hala Kitty?

Send us your story at: EXPOSEKatieLynnBirchard@gmail.com

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

If Katie Lynn Birchard (AKA, "Hala Pickford") Has Ever Harassed You...

If you've been a victim of Katie Lynn Birchard's hate and libel, please contact Detective Mitchell Ross at the Burbank, California Police Department.  He can be reached at: +1 - 818-238-3243

We, as well as others have contacted, or will be contacting his office very soon to confront these issues head on. DO NOT be bullied by Ms. Birchard. Take a stand and let her and others like her know that these types of behaviors will NOT be tolerated.  Be sure to take screen shots, and save copies of ALL documentation proving her inappropriate behavior & libel. You can save entire copies of her websites in your web browser.

Thank you, Katie for giving us an easier way to file formal criminal complaints. This allows a court bailiff to locate you much easier.

Well wishes from the EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

1 comment:

  1. The address, 1220 North Buena Vista Street, Burbank, whch appears on the restraining orders dispatched by Katie is FALSE. The numbers along that street only reach 1198. In UK and European law, such orders are instantly declared null and void and the sender liable for prosecution for fraud.
