While most of "Hala Pickford's" websites, blogs and fan-fictions sit dormant and unattended for weeks or even months at a time, don't believe for a second that Pickford isn't showing her ugly face somewhere behind-the-scenes. Her latest attack viciously targets renowned Nita Naldi biographers and their website, (www.NitaNaldi.com) which has set the Gold-Standard in preserving the memory and accurate biography of the famed silent-film actress.
As per her usual Modus Operandi, "Hala Pickford" has made every attempt to capitalize on the massive success and attention of real artistic craftsmanship, claiming that it has somehow been "stolen" from her. Upon the launch of the definitive Naldi site, "Pickford" began a libelous tirade on the Nitrateville Silent-Film forums accusing the Naldi biographers of "...ripping off" Pickford's work. These tirades were almost immediately eradicated from the forum, and a stern message was privately sent to Pickford, warning her that this kind of behaviour would not be tolerated.
After the dismal failure of Pickford's attempts to slander the good names of the www.NitaNaldi.com biographers in respected Silent-Film forums, she upped the ante by publicly harassing them on her own blogs/websites as well as filing a fraudulent DMCA Complaint with the web-hosting company for NitaNaldi.com, the official Nita Naldi website, over the Christmas Holiday. "Pickford" falsely accused the Nita Naldi biographers of intellectual property theft and demanded the immediate removal of the website. Please note that less than 24 hours after receiving Pickford's phony complaint, the web-hosting company officially dismissed it. Below is an excerpt from the laughable "complaint" Pickford filed:
"They stole this stuff in their biography (LINK REMOVED) filmography (LINK REMOVED) and then went to great lengths to put up a copyright claim: (LINK REMOVED) I was perturbed enough, but the copyright page sent me over the edge."
What makes Hala Pickford's false accusations against the Naldi biographers so interesting is that Pickford herself has long been publicly accused of Copyright Theft for her allegedly illegal reproduction of the book, Rudolph Valentino: A Wife's Memories of an Icon, originally written by Rudolph Valentino's second wife, Natacha Rambova. In Pickford's complaint, she sources the aforementioned book as her "stolen stuff." Keep in mind that this is the very book Pickford is accused of stealing herself and admits to reproducing. Pickford has contended that the book is public domain, therefore not falling under copyright restrictions, but upon further investigation, it was discovered that the books' copyright is not public domain, but owned by Ann Wollen, an elderly cousin of Natacha Rambova and that the book is indeed under copyright protection.
It has not been lost to us, how quickly Pickford's asinine and laughable accusations were so quickly and officially dismissed based upon nothing but a cursory glance at both websites. Less than 24 hours after receiving Pickford's complaint, she received a letter back with the following: DENIED.
www.NitaNaldi.com is a well-sourced tribute to Nita Naldi, beautifully written and thoughtfully laid out, whereas Hala Pickford's webpage on Naldi is littered with spelling and grammatical errors, clumsy layout and incomplete/inaccurate information. It's very easy to see who's ripping off who.
Until next time,
The EXPOSE "Hala Pickford" Team
It's insane to see how some people can be so hungry for fame that they lose sight of reality and try to sabotage those who have actually made a respected name for themselves.