Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford" has an ACTIVE Arrest Warrant, and in conjunction with Felony Charges, is WANTED in the State of California. There is currently a FIVE-THOUSAND DOLLAR REWARD for information leading to her arrest. Birchard should be considered Armed and Dangerous. If you spot Katie Lynn Birchard, immediately call 911. Do NOT approach her.

Have You Been A Victim Of Evelyn Zumaya, Katie Lynn Birchard, Hala Pickford, Hala Kitty?

Send us your story at: EXPOSEKatieLynnBirchard@gmail.com

Monday, August 8, 2011

The EXPOSE "Hala Pickford" Team's "Exotic Location Of The Day"

Come Experience Truth With Us, Evelyn & Hala. Truth Is Lovely

Today has been a glorious day.  We have been experiencing the exotic location of Truth for some time now, but today was especially fantastic.  We were waited on hand and foot, beginning at dawn, when all of our followers servants brought us breakfast in bed.  The smell was so delicious that we practically slobbered all over robes before even taking the first bite.

After breakfast, we took a dip in the pool to wash the "Affairs Valentino" of the previous evening off of us, had a few cocktails on the beach and spent the afternoon napping in a hammock under the bright blue sky.  A gentle breeze cooled us to just the right temperature.  My only complaint was that the breeze made for quite the crooked tie during our sunset photo op.  It sure was crazy to hear all the parrots echoing the voices of their Masters.  I'd be willing to Bret money that those crazy birds could be taught to say just about anything.  I couldn't get them to say anything coherent for the life of me. It was a frivolous attempt to say the least.  I could swear that they were repeating the word Cocaine, Cocaine, Cocaine, but I couldn't be sure.  I do know that the beach-front bar did serve nearly every liquor with Coke.  The kind in a can, of course. 

After retiring to our rooms to freshen up, we were greeted by the most delicious aromas coming from the kitchen below.  What a treat it was to find out that we were having my personal favorite, Roast Turkey and all the fixin's. Boy did we eat like Kings. For desert, we indulged on homemade Chocolate Chip Kookies before watching a fantastic Valentino film and retiring for the night.

We'd love to have you over to our little vacation spot called Truth sometime, Ms. Birchard and Mrs. Zumaya.  I believe you've never seen it.  It's freeing, relaxing and lovely. You should visit sometime very soon. In my extensive research, documented from public records dating back nearly 100 years, I very much doubt you'll find a place to make you as happy;  You, especially Mrs. Zumaya.  At age 62, it seems silly you haven't taken a moment to witness it for yourself yet.


The EXPOSE "Hala Pickford" Team

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