Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford" has an ACTIVE Arrest Warrant, and in conjunction with Felony Charges, is WANTED in the State of California. There is currently a FIVE-THOUSAND DOLLAR REWARD for information leading to her arrest. Birchard should be considered Armed and Dangerous. If you spot Katie Lynn Birchard, immediately call 911. Do NOT approach her.

Have You Been A Victim Of Evelyn Zumaya, Katie Lynn Birchard, Hala Pickford, Hala Kitty?

Send us your story at: EXPOSEKatieLynnBirchard@gmail.com

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Google Inc. Permanently Removes "Forget The Talkies," "Perpetual Flapper" & Others From Its' Servers

Over a period of more than a decade, Katie Lynn Birchard, under the guise of "Hala Pickford" & many other aliases, has written hundreds of libelous & offensive blogs, sending Homophobic, Anti-Semitic, Hateful messages, as well as intentionally & methodically defaming the characters of dozens of groups & individuals, including Zachary Jaydon, Tracy Terhune, Stella Grace, Cinecon, David Bret, The Silent Treatment (TST), Bob Birchard, Hugh Munro Neely, www.NitaNaldi.com & its' creators, Donna Hill, www.Nitrateville.com, The Silent Movie Theatre, The Pickford Institute, Hollywood Heritage & more.

In the midst of multiple lawsuits, court issued restraining orders, & criminal allegations, Birchard's blogs have swiftly begun to disappear. The problem is, Birchard isn't responsible for the blogs disappearances, and in the back of her own mind, feels that she can potentially put the blogs back up without consequences.  Birchard isn't smart enough to realize that all of these blogs are saved to a Google Inc. cache and has been subpoenaed by court systems in several jurisdictions.  Removing the blogs may convince a judge that Birchard should avoid potential jail time or more serious consequences, however, her own words will most definitely be used as crucial evidence against her. Circuit Courts in the State of Florida have recently began a quiet, but large scale investigation of Birchard stemming from her continuing harassment of Zachary Jaydon as well as an implied threat of violence against a laundry list of individuals.  The problem with her case? She arrogantly believes she is calling the shots inside any courtroom, commanding whom she will and will not speak/answer to as well as having a no-regrets attitude.  She has as recently as May 4th, 2011, stated that she is moving all of the libelous information that was removed to another server, claiming that they aren't permanently gone. (See Screenshot)
Katie Lynn Birchard Publicly Admits She's Contemplating Violating Her Court Order, Yet Again

Her court appearances are now beginning to pile up on both sides of the country, and with so much evidence against her, she needs to start taking these orders seriously; otherwise, the only blogs she will be writing are with a #2 pencil, behind the bars of a prison cell.

Until next time,
The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

1 comment:

  1. On 19 May Birchard "threw a hissy fit" in front of Burbank police officers who visited her home after she had attempted to file restraining orders yet again against Zachary Jaydon, David Bret and Tracy Terhune. She "ordered" the detective in question to arrest Jaydon and Bret, and was of course only laughed at. To date, the police say, she has attempted to serve at least 24 such orders, none of which have been successfully delivered. She also failed to turn up for her 20 May court appearance, audaciously sending the judge a note to say that she was busy making her birthday preparations.
