Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford" has an ACTIVE Arrest Warrant, and in conjunction with Felony Charges, is WANTED in the State of California. There is currently a FIVE-THOUSAND DOLLAR REWARD for information leading to her arrest. Birchard should be considered Armed and Dangerous. If you spot Katie Lynn Birchard, immediately call 911. Do NOT approach her.

Have You Been A Victim Of Evelyn Zumaya, Katie Lynn Birchard, Hala Pickford, Hala Kitty?

Send us your story at: EXPOSEKatieLynnBirchard@gmail.com

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Breaking: Warrant Issued For The Arrest Of Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA, "Hala Pickford"

Burbank, California

After skipping out on her court appearance earlier today, an unhappy Judge William D. Stewart immediately issued a warrant for the Arrest of Katie Lynn Birchard.  Birchard was due to show up in court to answer to allegations that she'd violated her court orders demanding the speedy and permanent removal of libelous and defaming material found on her blogs and websites.  An additional Contempt of Court charge for the skipped appearance was requested but is unconfirmed as of this writing.  Contempt of Court carries a maximum penalty of 6 months in Jail for each count as well as the possibility of large monetary fines in addition to the aforementioned jail time.

We will keep you posted on this developing story.

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Google Inc. Permanently Removes "Forget The Talkies," "Perpetual Flapper" & Others From Its' Servers

Over a period of more than a decade, Katie Lynn Birchard, under the guise of "Hala Pickford" & many other aliases, has written hundreds of libelous & offensive blogs, sending Homophobic, Anti-Semitic, Hateful messages, as well as intentionally & methodically defaming the characters of dozens of groups & individuals, including Zachary Jaydon, Tracy Terhune, Stella Grace, Cinecon, David Bret, The Silent Treatment (TST), Bob Birchard, Hugh Munro Neely, www.NitaNaldi.com & its' creators, Donna Hill, www.Nitrateville.com, The Silent Movie Theatre, The Pickford Institute, Hollywood Heritage & more.

In the midst of multiple lawsuits, court issued restraining orders, & criminal allegations, Birchard's blogs have swiftly begun to disappear. The problem is, Birchard isn't responsible for the blogs disappearances, and in the back of her own mind, feels that she can potentially put the blogs back up without consequences.  Birchard isn't smart enough to realize that all of these blogs are saved to a Google Inc. cache and has been subpoenaed by court systems in several jurisdictions.  Removing the blogs may convince a judge that Birchard should avoid potential jail time or more serious consequences, however, her own words will most definitely be used as crucial evidence against her. Circuit Courts in the State of Florida have recently began a quiet, but large scale investigation of Birchard stemming from her continuing harassment of Zachary Jaydon as well as an implied threat of violence against a laundry list of individuals.  The problem with her case? She arrogantly believes she is calling the shots inside any courtroom, commanding whom she will and will not speak/answer to as well as having a no-regrets attitude.  She has as recently as May 4th, 2011, stated that she is moving all of the libelous information that was removed to another server, claiming that they aren't permanently gone. (See Screenshot)
Katie Lynn Birchard Publicly Admits She's Contemplating Violating Her Court Order, Yet Again

Her court appearances are now beginning to pile up on both sides of the country, and with so much evidence against her, she needs to start taking these orders seriously; otherwise, the only blogs she will be writing are with a #2 pencil, behind the bars of a prison cell.

Until next time,
The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hala Pickford Served With TWO Additional Mandatory Court Appearances At Yesterday's Hearing

(Continuing...)  Burbank, California
     May 7th, 2011
Katie Lynn Birchard has been served yet again at the Burbank, California Courthouse.  Birchard was slapped with  additional mandatory court appearances at yesterdays' court appearance in which her personal and business finances were being scrutinized.  The first additional appearance stems from pending Contempt of Court charges in connection with the more than $100,000 (One-Hundred Thousand Dollar) judgement issued against her, in which she was ordered to remove all libelous or defamatory information pertaining to Tracy Terhune & others but has since re-posted the violating material multiple times, even after the offensive material was forcefully removed by Google Inc. 
Birchard recently reposted all of the offensive and libelous material on her websites, before making them available for viewing "by invite only." She foolishly believes that just because it's hidden from general public view that it doesn't violate her court order. The proper authorities have been notified, and Google Inc. is cooperating fully in providing all of the content hidden behind the "curtain," per the Burbank, California Court order to be examined by Judge William D. Stewart in a future court hearing.
Google is also fully cooperating in a court order to provide i.p. addresses, deleted files, file caches etc. for her other libelous blogs. Google Inc. is in the process of releasing all pertinent information to assist in a court issued permanent injunction protecting Zachary Jaydon from Birchard due to years of harassment, libel & recent threats of violence.  Because of the strong indication of impending violent action and the admission that Birchard is armed at all times, Florida has the ability to issue a warrant for Birchard's arrest and to hear the case in Florida without the use of service to Birchard.  She will then be responsible for finding her way back to California without any obligation of help from the State of Florida.  Jaydon has sought such an arrest warrant & is said to be making his 3rd appearance before a judge to go over all files provided by Google directly to the courts at the end of May.
We will keep you posted on the outcome of all of Birchard's future court appearances.
Until next time, 
The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team

Friday, May 6, 2011

"Hala Pickford" Shows Up 2+ Hours Late To Latest Court Hearing; Creates Mystery "LLC" In Wyoming - Allegedly To Conceal Funds, A Felony

(BREAKING)  Burbank, California
     May 6th, 2011

Katie Lynn Birchard, AKA "Hala Pickford," in her sheer arrogance, has once again decided that she calls the shots & creates the rules.  Pickford showed up nearly two-and-a-half hours late. (She must have been distracted by Rudolph Valentino's birthday celebrations & all.) Little does she know she narrowly missed a bench warrant being issued for her arrest for Contempt of Court.  During the examination, Ms. Birchard neurotically gave an eye-opening rant, providing direct insight into just how far she'll go to escape justice.

After Birchard finally stormed in with all the class of a rabid buffalo, she initially refused to cooperate with court proceedings. Her appearance was mandatory in connection with the more than $100,000 (One-Hundred Thousand Dollar) judgement issued against her in September, 2010 for Libel & Defamation of Character. She was quickly admonished by the court bailiff, and ordered to cooperate in the financial examination to determine the amount of money she must pay each month towards her ever increasing debt to Tracy Terhune.  Ms. Birchard initially revealed that she had set up an L.L.C. in the State of Wyoming and that all assets had been diverted through this mystery company and declined to give further details.

Further along in the examination, Birchard admitted on court record that she has yet to pay Mr. Terhune a penny and has no intentions to do so in the future.  Birchard also admitted midway through the examination that the mysterious "Wyoming L.L.C." that she'd supposedly set up was incomplete, and declined to give any further details including her partners and other details required by law during a financial examination.  

Ms. Birchard chooses to ignore that court ordered interest is accruing to Tracy Terhune, and in the realm of 10% per year, Birchard must pay over $1,000.00 (One-Thousand Dollars) per month just to keep up with accumulating interest charges, which doesn't begin to touch the principle amount of $100,000. (One-Hundred Thousand Dollars)  Birchard also neglects to realize that any attempt to shift money, financial records or the transfer of cash in an attempt to thwart a court-ordered financial judgement is a Felony in the State of California, punishable by fines and/or prison time.  This would include creating an L.L.C. and shifting any finances or financial interest, no matter the State.  Any future business venture between Katie Lynn Birchard or any of her aliases and with any partner must be fully disclosed to the court, and any income generated therein will be garnished by the court until her financial obligation is paid in full.

We find it interesting that Ms. Birchard can afford to pay incorporation & business startup fees, yet is too "broke" to afford to pay any legal filing fees, for legal representation, or to pay any part of her court ordered debt to Mr. Tracy Terhune.

We'll continue to keep you posted on this developing story.

The EXPOSE Katie Lynn Birchard Team